Welcom to the Netsintra blog for sharing ideas

Nets has more than 2000 knowledge workers, and united we have an incredible amount of knowledge within our heads and through our professional social networks. Imagine what this task force can achieve if we could master the enterprise cultural change to Knowledge Sharing and Team Collaboration using a Web based Platform where you can...
Search and Follow People, Groups, Forums, Projects, Processes, Blogs, Wikis and Discussions - to get information and knowledge that matches your job function, responsibilities, roles and interests
Connect to colleagues and teams with similar responsibilities, roles and interests across the whole company
Collaborate with your connections through knowledge sharing, discussions and innovation independent of time and place.
Every employee is given the opportunety to be a responsible - long-time focused - solution oriented - team player!
This Blog is ment to start a discussion about the need for a change towards this Connect > Collaborate > Innovate culture, and share knowledge and ideas about such a Web based Collaboration Platform. (Author: Yngve Nygaard, Nets Norway.)


This Page gives an overview of some well known Social Collaboration Tools. To prevent different solutions with overlap of functionality for different Units and Teams, it seems important to have an enterprise strategy to secure integration with other strategic business collaboration tools in Nets like SharePoint and SAP.

The ITGPtW initiative (IT's a Great Place to Work) has given the following demands for Nets Social Intranet and Collaboration Platform http://netsitgptw.blogspot.com/p/it-framework.html

Tools presented on different Tabs (Pages) in this Blog

These are tools we have seriously checked-out in different ways.
SharePoint: http://www.microsoft.com/ and http://www.newsgator.com/ (based on SharePoint)
Yammer: https://yammer.com/
MangoTalk: http://social-software.mangospring.com/
InductSoftware: http://inductsoftware.com/
Podio: http://podio.com/

Article that compares MangoTalk, Yammer and Chatter.

List of some othet well known tools

Chatter: http://www.salesforce.com/eu/chatter/whatischatter/
Teambox: http://teambox.com/
Jouzz: http://www.jouzz.com/
ShareTronix: http://sharetronix.com/ and http://blogtronix.com/
Box.net: http://box.net/
Google Apps: http://google.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/
TeamLab: http://www.teamlab.com/howto.aspx

Chatter (Salesforce)


Google Apps

Google has a lot of integrated tools / application for Team Collaboration, like Google Blogger which I have used for this Blog. Google Apps is a competitor to the Microsoft Suit of products, and is probably of little interest to Nets because we already have chosen Microsoft tools for Email, Document and Content Management.

Netsintra has created a Google account netsintra@gmail.com and a blogspot profile http://netsintra.blogspot.com/ used for ideas regarding Nets new Innovation, Collaboration and Intranet solutions.

What is a Blog?
The following video explaines this in plain English.

Do we need the Blog functionality?
Intranet solutions can use the blog function for informal exchange of news and ideas, where the author (managers and professionals) wants feedback from the readers. Blogs can contain pictures, drawings, videos and links to express the idea. Every Intranet solution shoud have an unformal Blog feature besides the formal News publishing from the Communications department. Microsoft SharePoint has a rich Blog feature.


http://twitter.com/ is a tool for Micro blogging / News feed, and thats about it.
This is not a Team Collaboration tool, but can be very useful for gathering information and knowledge (following People, Companies, Newspapers and Forums etc). Twitter can also be used by Nets as a channel for Marketing and Sales.

Netsintra has an account http://twitter.com/netsintra that is used to follow profiles who tweets about news and trends for Web 2, Open Innovation, Social Media and Social Intranets. Please feel free to add other interesting profiles to Follow.

Take a look at the first video to get the idea, and take a look at the second video to find out how to use Twitter for your professional life.

Here is a Danish video telling about how to use Twitter for the innovation process within a field of interest.


http://teamlab.com/ is a free Open Source software framework for creating an Enterprise Intranet solution. This is a competitor to products like SharePoint and Google Apps, and probably of little interest to Nets because we already have chosen Microsoft SharePoint.

Netsintra has created a TeamLab test account at https://netsintra.teamlab.com/auth.aspx.
Click the Join link on the welcome page to create your own demo accont, and then Sign in to enter the netsintra community.

Take a look at the following video to see what's included in the TeamLab solution.

Free Project Management with TeamLab

Start your enterprise portal with TeamLab

Start your company knowledge base with TeamLab

Create a social network inside your company

Here you can take a look at the latest newsletter from TeamLab to learn about future directions (roadmap).