Welcom to the Netsintra blog for sharing ideas

Nets has more than 2000 knowledge workers, and united we have an incredible amount of knowledge within our heads and through our professional social networks. Imagine what this task force can achieve if we could master the enterprise cultural change to Knowledge Sharing and Team Collaboration using a Web based Platform where you can...
Search and Follow People, Groups, Forums, Projects, Processes, Blogs, Wikis and Discussions - to get information and knowledge that matches your job function, responsibilities, roles and interests
Connect to colleagues and teams with similar responsibilities, roles and interests across the whole company
Collaborate with your connections through knowledge sharing, discussions and innovation independent of time and place.
Every employee is given the opportunety to be a responsible - long-time focused - solution oriented - team player!
This Blog is ment to start a discussion about the need for a change towards this Connect > Collaborate > Innovate culture, and share knowledge and ideas about such a Web based Collaboration Platform. (Author: Yngve Nygaard, Nets Norway.)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Paul Argenti on social media as corporate tool

Paul Argenti, Professor in Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business, on using social media as a corporate communications tool.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Samhandling - Samhandling for 40 000 ansatte [digi.no : Bedriftsteknologi]

Av Eirik Rossen, onsdag 17. mars 2010 kl 10:47
Samhandling - Samhandling for 40 000 ansatte - digi.no : Bedriftsteknologi

Et lite utdrag av artikkelen følger her:
Poenget med det virtuelle arbeidsrommet i Telenor er å gjøre det lettere for alle medarbeidere å finne ut først hvem som kan hva, dernest den mest hensiktsmessige måten å opprette kontakt på, og så ta kontakt. Folk skal altså gis teknologiske verktøy for å finne fram til kollegaer med bestemt kunnskaper, og som kan fortelle det de vet.

Ifølge Taug er dette ikke bare en øvelse i teknologi. 80 prosent av suksessen er å sette i gang prosesser for å endre innstilling og arbeidskultur. Han er samtidig tydelig på at teknologi og infrastruktur er viktig å få på plass tidlig, og at teknologi i perioder har vært 80 prosent. Hvordan bevege brukerne til å interessere seg for et virtuelt arbeidsrom og så faktisk bruke det, er imidlertid mer utfordrende enn å velge de tekniske løsningene. I tillegg er det en modningsprosess for både ansatte og ledere.

– Mentaliteten hos ledelsen var at eksperter og ledere som jobber globalt skulle få tilgang. Pilotene viste at folk brukte systemet til å arbeide. Det ble et modningsprosjekt i ledelsen. Først desember 2008 besluttet vi at WoW skulle være for alle. Topp ledelsen i Telenor har samtidig gått foran med et godt eksempel og var av de første til å erstatte et fysisk toppledermøte, med alle Telenor-selskapene, med et virtuelt møte. Dette har blitt fast rutine.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Think Communities, Not Portals! [PMP Insights]

Think Communities, Not Portals! « PMP Insights
Posted by Rich Blank, November 29, 2010

If you are planning your SharePoint 2010 upgrade and looking at redesigning the hundreds of intranet sites — stop right there! Don’t redesign, rethink your corporate intranet.

It’s time to break away from the traditional thinking of intranet “portals” and design a collaborative infrastructure around a complete “community model”. If you compare a community to the traditional portal, you may think it’s just a matter of semantics. However, the concept of a portal is a push relationship as someone is pushing content to you. Communities are social, interactive, dynamic, and provide a context for individuals to subscribe, collaborate and contribute to. Communities source information from the bottom up as well as the top down. Communities have a pull relationship — meaning the community pulls on users to contribute and users pull on the community to consume. The fact is that every piece of content and every person in your organization is part of some community whether you realize it or not. The largest and most open community is everyone in your organization and there are likely hundreds or thousands of sub-communities. Communities also provide a degree of openness in your organization. So if the information you wish to share has more defined security requirements, that’s when you manage it in a secure team site as opposed to a community.

Let’s face it — for many of us Facebook is our “portal” on the public internet and something we visit 1 or more times a day because it’s social and relevant to us personally. LinkedIn may be your “portal” into your professional life and network. Do you really need a traditional hierarchy of intranet sites and portals? Or is it more important to capture, share, and collaborate on information within the context of a community?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Google forsøgte at købe Twitter - Tech & mobil

Google og Microsoft kjemper om å kjøpe Twitter. Hvem vinner?
Google forsøgte at købe Twitter - Tech & mobil

Hvis man skal tro den amerikanske nyhedstjeneste Business Insider, så har Google tidligere i år tilbudt at købe Twitter for et sted mellem 2,5 og 4 milliarder dollar.

Både Google og Microsoft kan være interesseret i at købe Twitter for at forhindre den respektive modpart i at gøre det samme. Det kan betyde at de to selskaber vil fremsætte nye, højere tilbud for at snuppe Twitter for næsen af konkurrenten. Men meldingen om at Twitter ser de fire milliarder dollar som en ”fornærmelse” indikerer, at der skal langt flere penge på bordet hvis det sociale netværk skal skifte ejer.

Fascinating Social Media Facts of Year 2010 | Social Media Today

Fascinating Social Media Facts of Year 2010

Social media is not just a social instrument of communication. It is not all about people sharing ideas and thoughts with other people. It is the creation and exchange of ‘User Generated Content’. The ability to transform broadcast media monologues into a social media dialogues that spread, sometimes, faster and wider than television, radio or print. Social Media when compared to year 2009 shows a fantastic growth in terms of people participation, penetration, user-ability, business and more.

Now, we are almost at the end of year 2010, and therefore it is time to study and understand some of the Social Media facts and trends that were evolved and followed over the year. Scouting through the web has brought together the following list of Fascinating Social Media Facts. Most of these facts are based on surveys (online or offline) over a sample size, these are also mentioned to ensure that we get the perspective of each of these facts.