Welcom to the Netsintra blog for sharing ideas

Nets has more than 2000 knowledge workers, and united we have an incredible amount of knowledge within our heads and through our professional social networks. Imagine what this task force can achieve if we could master the enterprise cultural change to Knowledge Sharing and Team Collaboration using a Web based Platform where you can...
Search and Follow People, Groups, Forums, Projects, Processes, Blogs, Wikis and Discussions - to get information and knowledge that matches your job function, responsibilities, roles and interests
Connect to colleagues and teams with similar responsibilities, roles and interests across the whole company
Collaborate with your connections through knowledge sharing, discussions and innovation independent of time and place.
Every employee is given the opportunety to be a responsible - long-time focused - solution oriented - team player!
This Blog is ment to start a discussion about the need for a change towards this Connect > Collaborate > Innovate culture, and share knowledge and ideas about such a Web based Collaboration Platform. (Author: Yngve Nygaard, Nets Norway.)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Fascinating Social Media Facts of Year 2010 | Social Media Today

Fascinating Social Media Facts of Year 2010

Social media is not just a social instrument of communication. It is not all about people sharing ideas and thoughts with other people. It is the creation and exchange of ‘User Generated Content’. The ability to transform broadcast media monologues into a social media dialogues that spread, sometimes, faster and wider than television, radio or print. Social Media when compared to year 2009 shows a fantastic growth in terms of people participation, penetration, user-ability, business and more.

Now, we are almost at the end of year 2010, and therefore it is time to study and understand some of the Social Media facts and trends that were evolved and followed over the year. Scouting through the web has brought together the following list of Fascinating Social Media Facts. Most of these facts are based on surveys (online or offline) over a sample size, these are also mentioned to ensure that we get the perspective of each of these facts.

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